He's a smart and well-behaved boy..
My favourite boy which I adore and love the most!!! =)
He loves the song "Ba Ba Black Sheep" alot..and always wants me to sing it..hahaha! xD
Everytime when he lies down on the floor and I'll say,"Marcus,u sleeping ar?"
Then he'll look up in my eyes and give me a bright smile with eyes forming a line! So cute!!! :)
He simply brightens up my day!!! ;)
A smart and sensible girl..
She is the first among 11 of the toddlers that knows my name and always call me
"Teacher Sharon" with the age she is at which is only 2!
Which many of the other toddlers still couldnt speak out..
Listening to her sweet and cute voice calling me,just melts my heart! =)
Isn't she Adorable which makes u feel like bringing baq home?
Well, I do! hehehe..
*Im so Happie! :)
At least I managed to catch her in action!
~*Love her lots! ;)
A very cute but yet,sorry to say, naughty boy! hahaha! xD
But still,I likes him too! =D
Say "Bye Bye" to him and you'll keep wanting to say it tons and tons again just to hear him reply "Bye" with his unique way of saying it tgt with his sweet voice and accent..hahaha.. =D Its simply adorable! ;p
Our "Abang" here is also kinda naughty and is very active.. =D
Still,the cute looks of him just tempts you to Sayang him even more! hahaha.. xD
And so, as always, I did! hehehe..
He loves to play "Biang Biang" game with the guy above(Ezekiel) and Zao Jie(last photo) a lot..U can always see them in action carrying their lego toys or even books as their rifles..
hahaha! xD
Creative huh? hehehe.. =p
A very sweet,quiet and reserve girl who does not speak out..
She hardly talks and the only time u can hear her,is when she's crying..
Hopefully,she'll progressively learns to speak out just a bit.. =)
Though she might be quiet,but still,when u play with her, her sweet smile nvr fails to make u smile baq to her.. =)
She's just so sweet! ;)
Yup..Thats him! One of the Kaki to play the "Biang Biang" game who always seems to be the leader..hahaha! =D
He looks very cute and good..But in actual fact,hahaha..Sorry..No..
He can be quite violet sometimes..Well..I've tasted his punch on the face and kick on my back..Which really hurts can..They might be small in size,but I tell u,their strength is really big man..Teacher Laura should know how I feel cox she's also one of the victim..hahaha! xD
But no matter wat, still likes him when he always smile and laugh..
And he's favourite phrase:"Daddy...Mummy..Baby...Ah Ma.."
hahahaha! sounds so cute la! ;p
After seeing this post,I guess now u guys should know why I love them so much! =)
Especially Marcus and Nichole! My Favourite Always!!! ;)
Sorry that I dunn have some of the other toddlers photos..Couldnt take pics of them in time..But well, the aboves are the few which I would really like to mention.. =)
hahahaha..Will miss them lots and those times when I used to sing to them,feed them,pat them to sleep, help them wash backside when they pass motion and change their diapers..hahaha..
I seriously learned alot after working at the Childcare..
Hope I'll be able to drop by there soon again to visit them!
Love them lots!!! :) :) :)
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