Ahhh!!! Im super happy! Cox I really got into NP-Nursing! =)
wah..last night couldn't really get to sleep..was super troubled and worried abt the appeal result which will be out today..when i was working,i was a bit distracted too when i saw the clock pointing at 2pm..haha..But rite now,its really a sigh of relief..*sigh..
really very thankful and grateful that I've got this chance..Will really give my best shot and put in all my effort! =)
*My Cries..*My Laughter..*My Sorrows..*My Bitter..
*+[ A wound that ultimately, left a scar behind .. ..]+*
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
I'll really work hard if given this chance..
As usual..Work today..so shall not mention much about my work..hmm..right now im kinda scared and nervous about my appeal result tml..dunno why..this year i've really met few major unexpected setbacks that really shocked me and disappointed myself..this time round..i'm really scared liao..things which i thought will be going smooth and alright turned out the other way round..so...haiz..thinking of the appeal result is tml,my stomach is filled with butterflies flying about..Heard from those who appeal that the choices of sch cannot be the same..but the two courses i appealed for are both from Ngee Ann..so makes me worried even more about the outcome of the apeeal result...But when i appeal online,the instructions didnt mention that cannot put the courses that we choose from the same school..So im really lost and cant seems to set at ease now..will be working tml 7.30am-5pm..and the appeal result is out at 2pm..so shall rush home and see the appeal result online..I just hope I'll be granted this one chance..I'll really work hard...really...
Monday, 25 February 2008
well..today's work is as usual..guess im getting so used to the work life in Childcare Centre..so everything is ok..
hmm..this sat i'll be going for work too as they've not enough staff..so will be my first time working on sat..9am-2pm..so shall see how it goes.. =)
feeling and getting tired and tired each day..just hope everything will be alright..
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Sick , but still, Moving on..
hmm..have not been coming online for the past few days..so shall update part of wat took place..
On tues morning,
Saw my posted school and courses at 6plus in the morning,i couldn't get baq to sleep..i was posted to Republic Poly-Micro and Nanotechnology..was kinda stunned but showing no signs of reaction..my mind was just thinking of whether to stop schooling and just work and take private..i dunno why..but these are the things that kept running in my mind..so i quickly took off on that day to appeal..Thanks Vicky for the help..He actually wanted to accompany down to the school and appeal..but end up he found the website whereby can appeal online..so went to appeal Ngee Ann-Nursing, as my first choice..i was thinking actually nursing also not bad..nxt time when i come out to work might be easier to get jobs too..But now have to wait for the appeal result which will be out by nxt week..dunn really hope much now..cox aft the collection of O result,my soul and confidence level dropped to the very max..cox i've pinned too much hope on O level..so now,no hope,no nothing,and shall see how it goes..
After that in the afternoon,went to K-box with Stanley and Ming Ming..wah..luckily we managed to persuade ming ming to go with us..cox she dunn sing de,so she seldom and nvr really wanna go K-box de..hahaha..but still,wanna thank Ming Ming for going with us! =)
and also,
Sista Stan,Good luck for ur new start in Jc..Hope u'll like and get used to the new studying environment! =)
Hmm..and now..im kinda weak and sick..When i was working ytd,i've no voice to speak..had a hard time taking care of the children(toddlers) as i've to keep calling their names and asking them to "Come back" with my pathetic voice..keep out of pitch and suddenly went high pitch..so i've to use a fake voice to speak the whole day..haiz..Hopefully my coughing and sore throat will recover soon and i can speak as normal by nxt week..and for my nxt week schedule,Mon-Fri is 7.30am-5pm all the way..dunn wanna take off liao..i wanna work straight all the way for this week..really cant afford to take anymore off...haiz....
Saturday, 16 February 2008
*Hope to see you again! :)
As Promised..I'll be loading up the pics taken with Simon and the rest..so,these are the flash backs of wat went on that day..
**So yeah..this is Simon.. =) this guy really helped me alot whenever i need help,be it in school work or when i faced any problems..Thank you so much for everything and Im grateful and thankful to have known you..All the Best,Simon! =)
A Group photo taken at Changi Airport Terminal 3 before Simon came.. ...
We were all still happily laughing.. ...
and posing away... ...
But when Simon came,we got happy and excited... ..
At the same time,sadness engulfed us all ,with some of us tried to smile at the camera while Arri and Ming Ci(Bak Bak) need some meditation to cool themselves down... ..
A photo of us all at the TCC during the last 45mins or so before seeing Simon off...
And I just love to sit at corners..
Sista Galvin and Me! ;)
Yi Pei and Me in the sky train! ;)
Not Fogetting..Sista Stanley and Me!!! ;)
Hmm..Thats about it on that day..But up till now,when i saw the pics taken with Simon and the rest in my phone,it'll reminds me of the whole scenario and all the flash back of the parting scene..But still,wishing him all the best is the only thing I can do.. ..
*Good Luck,Simon! We'll be waiting for you to come back and meet up again! :)
Till we meet,take care! =)
Thursday, 14 February 2008
*Simon,all the best! we'll miss you!!! ='(
well..ytd was a really sad and memorable day..went to send simon off..Vicky,Ming Ming,Stanley,Yi Pei and Me reached the airport at about 6plus in the evening..then slowly,the rest came along..at that time we were all still happily laughing all the way when we reached the Changi Airport Terminal 3..initially,i didnt know how parting with a good fren will be like until ytd,i've really had a taste of it and it really left a great impact on me..that was my first time sending off people from the airport..it was really tough and unbearable to see his back view as he walked towards the departure hall entrance..i thought i could smile and send him off..but when yipei broke down to tears,mine follows naturally too..the atmosphere there was seriously touching..in total 17-18 people went to send him off,and i could see that all of us have a common thought in our mind..**that is, "We still wish him all the best even though we wanted him to stay badly"..will upload the pics real soon!
**Hope this wont be our last meeting and I truly hope all our friendship will stay strong,always....
**Take Care,Simon! :)
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Monday, 11 February 2008
Fun Ytd..Hard time today..
wah..today's work was super tiring..time seems to be hanging on at the same timing..like nvr moved sia..really had a hard time..adding on,my migraine works up again..was feeling super low and weak..at about 10am plus was already sturuggling liao..i cant even speak clearly and out loud to the kids..bend down also must slowly..then i was sweating out cold sweat la..feel like my whole body super light..then the headache was so super strong and my vision was super bright and seeing flash light..but kept tahan and tahan until 12pm plus..so tried asking the teacher in-charge if i could knock off early,but she said not enough teachers..so no choice, tahan all the way till 6pm..finally reached home liao..
tml will be working again..think tml must confirm with the teacher-IC if i can dunn go work on wed..cox ask her today she didnt confirm with me..so by tml must confirm liao..need to go airport and send simon off..he's going to australia to further his studies..so gonna wish him all the best! haha..
Went to one of the auntie hse ytd, who worked at furama..met up with Chong Huan,Chee Wee,Troy and also Cai Wen..then get to know Cai Wen from there..so we headed to Auntie tan keow's hse..hugged all the aunties when i saw them..wah..the tears almost dropped out sia..really missed them lots..then when i saw da shu,was like super happy also..hahaha! xD then played Banlak with them again like last year..but this year,i was the only girl playing with them la..then Da Shu kept place his bet on me and so my money from $2 becomes $6..hahaha..So fun la..overall won $16.. =) then aft that went home..went to my grandma hse in the evening..played another type of game with my cousin and aunties ,also using poker cards,won $20..hehehe.. =P really like Chinese New Year alot..cox can get to meet up with so many people and gather tgt! =)
Saturday, 9 February 2008
*Happy Chinese New Year! =)
haha..halo! Happy Chinese New Year to All! =)
hmm..As usual, 1st and 2nd day of Chinese New Year went to the same people's hse for bai nian..haha..and last station will always be at my Grandparents place! Love It! Cox everyone of us(cousins,aunties and uncles) can gather together and get to meet each other and also,not forgetting our favourite time which is to play our hearts out! yes! its BANLAK! hahahahaa!! =D
On the 1st day,i won $18..then Ytd,didnt win didnt lose..hahaha..But i find that actually win or lose its not important..cox as long as everyone is happy,then im happy too! =)
What I really Love most about Chinese New Year is that I can get to eat PIG STOMACH SOUP!!! MY FAVOURITE!!! YUMMIE!! ;P haha..no matter which person hse I go to,as long as there's Pig Stomach Soup,my stomach will have a taste of it before i leave the hse..hehehe! =p
Anyway,it's once a year for me to be able to drink it,so just free my stomach for these few days to stuff in all my favourites! =) think im gaining weight..nvm..after CNY then say liao..hahaha! =D
maybe will be visiting One of the Furama Auntie's place tml ba..Cox initially wanted to go de, but then lay huan and ziming nvr go..so im a bit held back..but think tml I'll just meet Chong Huan they all and go ba..Cox i really missed them lots,especially the Aunties! Hope to get to see them soon tml and give the Aunties a BIG SURPRISE! =)
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Awaiting for a New Start Of The Year! =)
well..today is the Chinese New Year Eve..so have been busy ytd night and the whole day today helping my mummy with the preparation for the reunion dinner and everything..went to Redhill Market, ABC Market and NTUC..busy , busy and still busy.. =D But still,we had a great dinner sitting together as a Family and eat together! and the food we prepared are yummy! ;p later have to help my parents to bao ang bao and get ready for another Chinese New Year at 12midnight! time really flies..haha..hope this yr will be a better yr and start a new yr ahead.. =)
*Happy Chinese New Year! =)
Monday, 4 February 2008
*Panda eyes..
hmm..today's kinda tiring..so shall make a short post den..
today i was stationed at the K1 class for the whole day..The kids there are much more easier to get along with..So everything was kinda smooth..but today was super lack of teachers..so i was all alone by 12noon aft the K1's English/Form teacher left..was kinda worry initially..cox i didnt know how will it be like..fortunately at abt 1pm,there was another teacher helping me..heng sia..hahaha..but when the children were asleep,i was super tired la..so slowly,my eyes started to close while i sat there and suddenly,started fishing..hahaha! for those who dunno wat fishing in this phrase means,its actually like when u're sleeping,ur head keeps dropping and nodding in the air.. xD
was really happy when teacher margaret gave me a yakult to drink..super long nvr drink le sia..so aft i drank,got so much better..kept thanking her..hehe..she's one of the teacher i really like and can get along super well with..but unfortunately,today she fall down in the morning upon rushing to work..so she has a red and bloddy knees..hopefully her wounds will get better! =) hmm..shouldnt it be a short post???hahaha..think im writing too much liao..kkz..shall stop here..working at 9am tml..yeah! can eat breakfast with my mum le..didnt get the chance to eat with her today at the market..but knowing that im working earlier shift today,she woke up even earlier than me to prepare breakfast(bread with fried egg) for me and also my bro..touched sia..kept thanking and hugging her.. =D kkz..Goodnight! =)
Saturday, 2 February 2008
*Fun to the Max!!! =D
After so long of staying at home and also busy working,I've not been out for such a long time..And finally today,met up with Vicky,Yi Pei and Ming Ming to East Coast Park..Wah..haven been to ECP for so long le..i think the last time i went there was last yr during our class chalet over at ECP ard the month of july ba..hahaha..
The very first thing we did were going straight to the beach and just enjoy ourselves..hahaha..leaving our footprints by jumping on the sand so hard(like an elephant =D),drawing on the sand,throwing stones into the water and just standing at the seawater(ard our small tigh level) and play,laugh and enjoying every minute to the fullest..the feeling of going to the beach aft so long is really fantastic..and the cold and windy weather just bring our level of excitement to the max! =D
aft abt an hour or so..went to have our lunch..once we're done,Yipei and Ming Ming went to rent bicycle..while Vicky put on his own Roller blade..hahaha..initially when Vicky starts putting on his arm and knee protection thingy..the 3 of us were laughing non-stop..cox Vicky is still a beginner..and he has not been roller blading since sec3 till now..so the way his actions was seriously obvious that he's nervous and scared..and when he was all ready,i grabbed hold on him while yipei was being grabbed hold by vicky..and when vicky made his first move,he was grabbing on yipei so hard that her hand turned red la..then i was laughing like peng..cox seriously very funny..so i quicky ask yipei to grabbed hold on him and not let him grabbed hold on you... xD
***then there was once when vicky was about to fall and wanted to grab hold on me and yi pei,we were talking and laughing that time and we suddenly move baq..so Vicky was like slipped and lie flat on the floor..hahahaha! damn funny la..such a coincidence..we really didnt know he wanted to hold on to us..we just took one step behind and see him lying on the floor.. xD luckily he's alright! =D ***
aft that,Yipei and Ming went cycling..so i accompanied Vicky by walking beside him while he roller blades slowly and carefully..haha..but suddenly..rain...so we hide under the shelter for more than a hour..while i was stoning there,saw the drops of the rainfall and so,took out my small book and started to compose..hahaa..lame,i know..but i really managed to write a song out by the time i reached home and the melody! =) first time sia.. =D
hmm..then at abt 5.30pm,we went home..though its kinda tired,but its a fruitful trip.. =)
even though there were only the 4 of us,but it was seriously very fun and enjoyable..hope we'll get to meet up soon again and have lots of fun!! =)
Friday, 1 February 2008
work today was crazy and hectic man..hahaha! soon i'll really be drive nuts by the kids at NURSERY..seriously hard to dealt with..even the girls are equally naughty as the boys..except for a few..haha..but somehow..im still able to take it and handle them.. =)
most cute thing is that whenever im at nursery,the kids at Toddlers section(just beside Nursery) will tend to come over to nursery and look for me..haha..guess its becox i've been at the Toddlers for quite some times le..hence the kids there really stick with me alot..hahaha..they are seriously cute and still CUTE! ;) just feel like hugging them so tightly!!! =D
well..nxt mon working at 7.30am to 5pm..nvr work this earlier shift before..hopefully everything will be alright! =)
oh yeah!!! meeting up with vicky and yi pei they all tml!!! can't wait! i think i'll leave the place with vicky at about 5plus 6 in the evening..cox i wanna go home earlier to visit my nephew aft that!!! *Miss Him So Much..and of cox my Niece! =) they're going baq to malaysia to celebrate Chinese New Year le..so wanna go play with them before i wait till aft CNY then get the chance to see them again..haha..and tml will be my 2nd bro birthday..guess tonight i'll msg him at 12am while watching "Gong,ye man wang fei"(Korean show) at channel U featuring at 11.30pm..hahaha..
***Happy Birthday,My Good Bro always! =)
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