halo people! ;) hehe..finally i got the chance to blog again..haha..my CA has ended and im currently enjoying my 3weeks of hols working and going out as well..I would say that my 2weeks of CA was a great and fulfilling one that i'll nvr forget.. =) hehe..only Vicky will understand..hehe..
but anw,managed to meet up with yipei,ming ming,xin yi,simon,ming ci and vicky and we went to Sentosa! super long nvr go le..everyone of us were playing and enjoying ourselves lots on that day..just go read up on some of the post and u'll know..haha..I truly had a great time with u guys! Hope to have more gathering soon,people! =-)
haha..so now im baq in sch again to use the com as vicky told me that there're some assignments coming up that are needed to be handed up once sch starts..and also,i can check my CT results..haha..I would say Im happy with my results..Cox I dunn expect too much from this CT..So I'll try my best for the term2 exam.. =)
Hmm..have been hanging out kinda often with "friday" and its always nice being with u.. =)